
Този блог е създаден за бенефициентите на проекта на Софийския университет "Св Климент Охридски" по проект BG051PO001-3.3.06 - 0045 „Развитие на капацитета на специализанти, постдокторанти и млади учени за преподаване на академични курсове по и на чужд език със съвременни методи и информационни и компютърни технологии” .

Основна цел на блога е да подпомогне участниците в проекта (постдокторанти, специализанти, млади учени и експерти) да споделят опит и работят съвместно по задачите на проекта. Блогът предоставя територия за споделяне и контакти и след приключване на проекта.

Добре дошли на всички, които се интересуват от съвременно и иновативно обучение по и на чужд език! :)

08 април, 2014

Покани за конференции

Моля, добавяйте тук достъпната до вас информация за подобни покани, в които да е възможно финансиране по проекта.

7 коментара:

  1. 3rd Interdisciplinary Conference on English Studies

    Nicosia, North Cyprus
    June, 19-20 2014
    International Departments of English Association (IDEA) and Near East University are pleased to announce the 3rd Interdisciplinary Conference on English Studies, an international conference for language teachers, translators and literary scholars to be held in Nicosia on June 19th and 20th, 2014. The conference aims to bring together scholars from all disciplines and intellectual orientations. Submissions may include, but are not limited to, an exploration of the following topics: Multiculturalism, multilingualism, communication studies, intertextuality, narratology, deconstruction, linguistics, literature, post-structuralism, semantics, pragmatics, speech acts, translation theory, language learning theories, language teaching methodology, teaching strategies and styles, innovative approaches, blended-hybrid instruction, discourse analysis, constructivism, sociolinguistics, semiotics, and machine translation.

    Please fill in the abstract submission form online at http://conference2014.ideaenglish.org/submissions.html or email your proposal, including a 300 word abstract (with title), institutional affiliation, a short biography (which should not exceed 100 words) and AV requirements to Dr. Oytun Sözüdoğru, Department of English Language Teaching, Near East University: oytun@ideaenglish.org. All papers presented at the conference will be considered for online publication in a special proceedings issue of IJED (International Journal of English Departments), a peer reviewed journal, in November 2014.

    Deadline for submission of Abstracts by June 10, 2014
    Guidelines for Submissions

    The working language of the conference is English.

    Each participant will be allocated 20 minutes for presentation plus 10 minutes for questions and/or discussion. Endnotes and Bibliographic citations should follow the APA style. We welcome joint presentations, however, we ask that at least one of the authors is present at the convention.

    We enthusiastically encourage submissions from graduate students, as well as faculty.

    We look forward to reading your submissions.

    Kind Regards
    Asst. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kurt
    Conference Website: http://conference2014.ideaenglish.org

  2. Уважаеми колеги,

    От името на Научния и Организационния комитет имам удоволствието да Ви поканя официално за участие в Международната научна конференция „Техника, технологии и образование“ 2014, която ще се проведе на 30 и 31 октомври, 2014 г. в град Ямбол на територията на Факултет "Техника и технологии", Тракийски университет.
    Информация можете да откриете в сайта на конференцията: https://sites.google.com/a/trakia-uni.bg/ictte-2014/

    За нас е чест да бъдете участници в конференцията!

    Доц. д-р инж. Красимира Георгиева
    Декан на Факултет "Техника и технологии" – Ямбол
    Тракийски университет – Стара Загора

    Тракийски университет - Стара Загора
    Trakia University - Stara Zagora, Bulgaria

  3. European Thematic Network
    "Future Education and Training in computing:
    How to Support Learning at Anytime Anywhere"

  4. Dear Colleague,

    We are very happy to inform you that the 2nd International Conference on Applied Linguistics: LANGUAGE IN FOCUS - Contemporary Perspectives on Theory, Research, and Praxis in ELT and SLA is going to take place from 4th to 7th of March 2015 in Cappadocia, Turkey. The conference will be organised by ELT Department of Faculty of Education, Cukurova University, Adana, Turkey.

    Please find attached our first call for papers, conference poster, and check the conference website for updated information.

    Please, disseminate this information among your friends and colleagues.

    With best regards,

    Conference Organisers

    Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cem Can
    Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jülide İnözü
    Prof. Dr. Hatice Sofu
    Dr. Katarzyna Papaja


  5. Здравейте, колеги и приятели,

    Националната конференция по електронно обучение вече е

    11-12 September 2014, University of La Laguna, Tenerife

    Конференцията се провежда по координирания от Русенския
    университет проект European Thematic Network
    "Future Education and Training in computing:
    How to Support Learning at Anytime Anywhere"

    Повече инфо можете да намерите в сайта

    Ако някой от е-Learning гилдията може да предложи
    интересен пленарен доклад, моля, да се обади или пише.

    От ПК и ОК

    Prof. Angel Smrikarov, PhD
    Vice Rector
    University of Ruse
    Coordinator of Bulgarian Virtual University

  6. My Dearest Friends,

    I hope that you had a wonderful summer and you are full of energy for the new school / academic year.

    This year my colleagues from Çukurova University in Adana (Turkey) and I are going to organise 2nd International Conference on Applied Linguistics LIF2015 Contemporary Perspectives on Theory, Research and Praxis in ELT and SLA. Together with the GOETHE INSTITUT we are going to organise our 2nd Post-Ustroń CLIL MEPP Symposium, which will take place druing LIF2015 Conference held in a magic place - CAPPADOCIA. It would be great to exchange our ideas, share experiences and have a great time together in this lovely place, which is Cappadocia in Turkey.

    This time we are planning to organise two symposia - one in English (CLIL) and one in German (CLILiG).

    Please, find all the information enclosed.

    I would love to see you all again.

    I will be looking forward to receiving your abstracts.

    In the meantime I wish you a very good start into the new school / academic year.

    Lots of greetings,
    Kasia Papaja:-)
    LIF2015 Conference Organiser

    on behalf of
    Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cem Can
    Prof. Dr. Hatice Sofu
    Asst. Prof. Dr. Abdurrahman Kilimci


  7. A Colloquium on Online & Distance Education


    18th May 2015 to 21st May 2015
    Greece , Athens

    Website: http://www.atiner.gr/online.htm

    Contact Person: Dr. Gregory T. Papanikos

    The Education Research Unit of the Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER) will hold a Colloquium on Online & Distance Education, 18-21 May 2015, Athens, Greece as part of its 17th Annual International Conference on Education. The conference website is http://www.atiner.gr/online.htm. The aim of the conference is to bring together academics and researchers of education and other related disciplines. You may participate as panel organizer, presenter of one paper, chair a session or observer. Papers (in English) from all areas of education are welcome. For programs of previous conferences and other information, please visit the conference website: http://www.atiner.gr/online.htm. Fee structure information is available on www.atiner.gr/fees.htm. Special arrangements will be made with a local luxury hotel for a limited number of rooms at a special conference rate. In addition, a number of special events will be organized: A Greek night of entertainment with dinner, a special one-day cruise to selected Greek islands, an archaeological tour of Athens and a one-day visit to Delphi. Details of the social program are available at http://www.atiner.gr/2015/SOC-ONE.htm. Please submit an abstract (email only) to: atiner@atiner.gr, using the abstract submission form available at http://www.atiner.gr/2015/FORM-ONE.doc by the 6 April 2015 to: Dr. Panagiotis Petratos, Vice-President of Information Communications Technology, ATINER & Fellow, Institution of Engineering and Technology & Professor, Department of Computer Information Systems, California State University, Stanislaus, USA. Abstracts should include the following: Title of Paper, Full Name (s), Affiliation, Current Position, an email address, and at least 3 keywords that best describe the subject of your submission. Decisions are reached within 4 weeks. If you want to participate without presenting a paper, i.e. organize a panel (session, mini conference), chair a session, review papers to be included in the conference proceedings or books, contribute to the editing of a book, or any other contribution, please send an email to Dr. Gregory T. Papanikos, President, ATINER & Honorary Professor, University of Stirling, UK (gregory.papanikos@stir.ac.uk). The Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER) was established in 1995 as an independent world association of Academics and Researchers. Its mission is to act as a forum where Academics and Researchers from all over the world can meet in Athens, in order to exchange ideas on their research, and to discuss future developments in their disciplines. The organizing and hosting of International Conferences and Symposiums, the carrying out of Research, and the production of Publications are the basic activities of ATINER. Since 1995, ATINER has organized more than 350 International Conferences and other events, and has published close to 150 books. In 2012, the Association launched a series of conference paper publications (click here), and at the beginning of 2014, it introduced its own series of Journals (click here). Academically, the Association is organized into seven Research Divisions and thirty-one Research Units. Each Research Unit organizes at least an Annual International Conference, and may also undertake various small and large research projects. Academics and Researchers are more than welcome to become members and to contribute to ATINER's objectives. If you would like to become a member, please download the relevant form (membership form). For more information on how to become a member, please send an email to: info@atiner.gr.

    Deadline for abstracts/proposals: 6th April 2015


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